The new version of Aurus RichCall product provides the co-browsing option that allows contact center agent to see the client's browser window (while talking with him on phone) and use the "pointer" to instruct him on what to do. This allows agent to better understand the context of the client's issue and solve it appropriately.
Before starting the co-browsing development we interviewed our clients interested in this option to analyze their business cases and develop exactly those features needed to fit their requirements.
You may be interested in learning what real clients want from the co-browsing option. Below are some of the requirements that we had to meet.
No Downloads
Of course no downloads for the customer. The client must be able to start the co-browsing session instantly. No apps, no Java, no browser plug-ins.
Client Controls the Action
Service reps should not be able to make mouse clicks or keyboard entries in the client's browser. The agent must have the ability to see what happens and point (see "The Pointer" below) the client what to do but not to interact with him on the same page.
The "Pointer"
Though the agent cannot interfere with customer actions, he must be able to draw the customer attention to certain areas of the page:
- "Please click this button..."
- "Here is the section with the info you need…"
We call it "the Pointer" tool – an arrow that appears in the customer browser on top of the main content.
Secure Pages Support
The co-browsing session must support secure pages (the ones that require client's login). When we interviewed our clients, only two of them reported their need to guide visitors around public pages to help them find products or other public info. The rest want to support their clients in working with the secure online self-service tools, which require user's authentication.
Starting the Co-Browsing Session by Code
The client is not required to make an online call, or to be in a chat with the agent to start the co-browsing session. Even if the client has made a regular phone call to the contact center, he must be able to enhance it with the co-browsing session if (and when) he needs it. With Aurus RichCall the agent may generate the unique 5-digits code and say it to the client who then uses it to initiate the co-browsing.
Mobile Browser Support
The co-browsing feature should support mobile browsers and provide the same functionality ("pointer", secure pages support etc).
Lets talk.