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Schedule CMS meetings by typing @cms in the meeting Location

The new release of Aurus CMS+ 1.9 is integrated with MS Exchange and supports scheduling CMS meetings using @cms keyword.

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The new CMS+ 1.9 is integrated with MS Exchange and supports scheduling CMS meetings using @cms keyword.

You can use your work calendar app to schedule Cisco Meeting Server conferences.

Just type @cms in the Location field and CMS+ will send the instructions on how to join to all attendees.

2 important things:

  • Cisco and Poly devices will also receive the OBTP button
  • You can configure different profiles for meeting host and meeting attendees

What else new in CMS+ 1.9:

  • Time zone support
  • Recurring meetings support
  • Conference control app supports sending DTMF to any participant
  • Meeting recording portal shows meeting duration
  • The system is optimized for large (>30K users) deployments

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