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This is where Aurus R&D shares its expertise in enterprise collaboration and contact center space.
LinkedIn as a Global Directory for Skype?
Satya Nadella and Jeff Weiner on Microsoft Acquiring LinkedIn  The LinkedIn acquisition by Microsoft opens up the endless possibilities for speculations for the IT world including collaboration experts and I can't stop myself from sharing my thoughts. LinkedIn – over 430 million accounts (see more...
20.06.2016 22:27:31
The Updated Paging Solution for Cisco UCM Reaches Anyone, Anywhere
The new Aurus PhoneUP 3.11, the bundle of apps for Cisco UCM, is released this week! Congrats to the R&D team! As for me, the main killer feature of the new version is the integration of its Paging module with our Outbound solution. Finally, we can offer a paging solution that reaches employees ...
09.06.2016 07:46:59
Cisco Jabber vs Spark and Acano - The Steadfast Tin Soldier
For several years Jabber has been the Cisco's UC answer to Microsoft. A little bit late but still successful one. But in 2015 Cisco gave birth to two Jabber's cousins:      1) in the beginning of 2015 Cisco announces Cisco Spark      2) in the end of 2015 Cisco acquired Acano  Both Spark and Acano p...
08.06.2016 21:49:42
Co-Browsing in the Contact Center – the Details Matter
The new version of Aurus RichCall product provides the co-browsing option that allows contact center agent to see the client's browser window (while talking with him on phone) and use the "pointer" to instruct him on what to do. This allows agent to better understand the context of the...
20.05.2016 21:34:11